Financial econometrics
Credits |
5 |
Holder |
Prof. Olivier Scaillet (ULB) |
Language |
English |
Location |
ULB, campus du Solbosch |
Field |
Finance / Accounting (FIN/ACC) – GESTS503 |
Course Description
Prerequisites :
Basic notions in statistic, probability and finance
Goal :
Develop concepts necessary to applications of econometrics in finance
Content :
The lectures start with complementing basic statistical knowledge and are divided into two parts depending on the presence of temporal dependencies or not in the data. The studied statistical methods are illustrated via applications in economics and finance : Value at Risk, Expected Shortfall, portfolio selection, CAPM, APT, dynamic modeling of financial asset prices via ARMA, ARCH models and co-integration, etc. The analyzed methods will cover parametric and non-parametric tools.
Bibliography :
- Gouriéroux, C.; Scaillet, O. & Szafarz, A. (1997), “Econométrie de la finance : Analyses historiques”, Economica, Paris.
- Gouriéroux, C. (1992), “Modèles ARCH et Applications Financières”, Economica, Paris.
- Gouriéroux, C. & Monfort, A. (1995), “Statistiques et Modèles Econométriques”, Vol. I et II, Economica, Paris.
- Gouriéroux, C. & Monfort, 1 (1995), “Séries temporelles et Modèles Dynamiques”, Economica, Paris.
- Gouriéroux, C. (1989), “Econométrie des Variables Qualitatives”, Economica, Paris.
- Mills, T.(1999), “The Econometric Modeling of Financial Time Series”, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
- Campbell, J.; Lo, A. & McKinlay (1997), “The Econometrics of Financial Markets”, Princeton University Press, Princeton.
- Davidson, R, & MacKinnon, J. (1995), “Estimation and Interference in Econometrics”, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
- Hamilton, J. (1994), “Times Series Analysis”, Princeton University Press, Princeton.
Coordinates :
Prof. Olivier Scaillet – GSEM UNI MAIL – Bd du Pont d’Arve, 40 – CH – 1211 Genève 4 Suisse – Tel. : ++41 22 379 88 16 (direct) – ++41 22 379 81 03 (GSEM) – Fax : ++41 22 379 81 04
Teaching Methods :
Ex Cathedra lectures via slides and exercise seminars with corrections
Evaluation Methods :
Written Exam
Language :
English (or French on request for French speaking attendance only)
Campus : S
Semester : 2
Practical information:
The exercise sessions will consist in a brief explanation of the exercise, and then the students solve the problems using MATLAB with the help of the assistant.
Academic Year 2024-2025
This course will start in February 2025. The schedule will be updated in due time.
Academic Year 2023-2024
On Thursdays from 8:00 to 10:00 – THEORY – Room S.H.2.213
February 8, 15, 22 and 29
March 7, 14, 21 and 28
April 18 and 25
May 2 and 16
On Fridays from 16:00 to 18:00 – EXERCICES – ONLINE
February 9, 16, 23 and Thursday February 29, from 12:00 to 14:00
March 8, 15, 22 and 29
April 19 and 26
May 3