Here is the official list of courses offered by our doctoral school. In addition to these courses, doctoral candidates may take other advanced courses that are specific to their field of study at a Belgian or foreign university, subject to the approval of their local doctoral committee.
Unless stated otherwise, each course is worth 5 ECTS.

International Trade / Development

Finance / Accounting

Information Systems / SCM

Marketing / Strategy

Human resources / Organization

Innovation / Entrepreneurship

Methods courses
For courses taught by guest professors, kindly follow the instructions provided on the course page or reach out to doctorat.hec[at] for further assistance.
If you want to register for an advanced course given at HEC Liège-ULiège, please cc doctorat.hec[at] when contacting a Professor.
You may also consult the list of doctoral courses of the DSM (UCLouvain-UNamur) doctoral school or advanced courses in your domain at another Belgian or foreign university, and submit some of them to your local doctoral committee.
If you want to have more information about DSM courses and schedules, please contact Laura Vecchiato (laura.vecchiato[at]
Doctoral main courses at DSM for 2022-2023, please visit their website.
Communication and Writing Skills (Please take note that this course will not count as an advanced course. It will be considered as a “Tranversal skills” course).